Synonym: invite. Similar words: away from, try for, cry for, by force, apply for, pay, pay out, pay off. Meaning: v. have as a guest.
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121. We are still seeing a disparity between the rates of pay for men and women.
122. Some of the money has been earmarked to pay for the re-settlement of people from contaminated areas.
123. He's not very generous with his money; he'll pay for necessary things, but rarely lashes out.
124. You bought the tickets, so if I pay for the taxi, we'll be straight.
125. We cannot buy food, clothes and pay for rent and utilities on $20 a week.
126. We had a whip-round to pay for a taxi to the railway station.
127. I took out an overdraft to pay for my new car.
128. Forgive me for asking, but how much did you pay for your bag? for.html
129. He had not fully grasped the fact that he was the one who would pay for all this.
130. He insisted I should take a taxi and offered to pay for it.
131. I had to draw on my savings to pay for the repairs.
132. Being recognized wherever you go is the price you pay for being famous.
133. As athletes prepare for the Olympics, sporting organizations are looking for big sponsorship deals to pay for the trip to Sydney.
134. It was very handsome of him to pay for the meal.
135. Each member of the club will be assessed 50 dollars to pay for the trip.
136. The idea of equal pay for women is a recent phenomenon.
137. It's a bIt'steep that I should pay for all of you!
138. I've had to dip into my savings to pay for the repairs.
139. The government has time and again clarified its position on equal pay for women?
140. They pay for their children to go to a posh school.
141. The EU has issued guidelines on appropriate levels of pay for part-time manual workers.
142. In their election manifesto, the Liberal Democrats proposed increasing taxes to pay for improvements in education.
143. Units stationed around the capital mutinied because they had received no pay for nine months.
144. Let Sarah pay for dinner, she's got heaps of money.
145. The safest way to pay for mail order goods is by credit card.
146. £75 seems a lot to pay for a starter motor, but it's either that or a new car!
147. Loss of independencewas a high price to pay for peace.
148. The company had to dip into a reserve fund to pay for all the new equipment.
149. I'm all in favour of equal pay for equal work.
150. You pay for it at the time you order it.